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cinema program

coming soon

Director and screenplay: Veronika Franz and Severin Fiala
121 minutes / AUT/D, 2024

Upper Austria in 1750: A carp pond reflects the gray of the sky. A deep, dark forest swallows the sunlight. An executed woman is displayed on a hill. As proof. As a warning. An omen? The deeply religious and highly sensitive Agnes looks at the dead woman with pity. Also with longing, because she feels a stranger in the world of her husband Wolf, into which she has just married. An emotionally cold world full of work, chores and expectations. Agnes withdraws more and more. Her inner prison becomes ever tighter, her melancholy ever more oppressive. An act of violence soon seems to be her only way out.

Veronika Franz and Severin Fiala create an abysmal psychogram of a woman, played with flesh and bone, sinew and soul by Anja Plaschg, who also composed the film music as Soap&Skin. DES TEUFELS BAD gives a voice to women from the rural milieu, the invisible and unheard of of the time; it shows their harsh everyday lives, determined by religious dogmas and taboos that still have an effect today. A film based on historical court records about a harrowing, previously unexplored chapter of European history.

so, 26.05. / 20.00 o'clock

Austrian Panorama highlights recent animation works by local artists. Cave Painting, Not Really Now Not Anymore and The Great Tree Piece offer a meditative-poetic glimpse at more than human worlds, in which the organic and the digital are inseparably intertwined. Nature is neither pure, nor standing as a graspable whole in front of our gaze. It is rather fragmented and densely filled with infinitesimal details which reach beyond human perception. Animation becomes a tool for staging different perceptual calibrations, zooming between different proximities exceeding the human gaze, and redefining notions of physicality and abstraction, natural and synthetic. Internet Gaga and Shroomsday complement the selection with a humorous and ironic take on our contemporary times.


Cave Painting, Siegfried A. Fruhauf (AT), 14'

Internet Gaga, Reinhold Bidner (AT), 2'

The Great Tree Piece, Claudia Larcher (AT), 10'

Shroomsday, Rita Weiss, Alessa Wolfram, Daniel Denzer, Marius Oelsch (AT), 3'

Not Really Now Not Anymore, Herwig Scherabon (AT/DE), 8'

mi, 29.05. / 20.00 hrs


Director: Andreas Prochaska
114 minutes / AUT/D, 2013


A remote village in the mountains at the end of the 19th century. A stranger calling himself Greider and carrying photographic equipment wants to stay here for the winter. He is met with undisguised mistrust. The sons of the Brenner farmer, the absolute ruler of the village, would love to chase Greider away again, but a handful of gold coins convinces them too. Greider is taken in by the widow Gader and her daughter Luzi. Luzi is about to marry her fiancé Lukas, but instead of looking forward to the event, she is dreading it. A wedding in this village is tied to a terrible tradition that no one defies with impunity. Soon the village is covered in snow, and just as soon an accident occurs. One of the six Brenner sons dies while transporting wood. When a second Brenner son dies shortly afterwards during a hunting trip, it becomes clear that Greider has an old score to settle.

thu, 30.05. / 8.00 pm


Director: Tato Moreno
90 minutes / ARG, 2015


ARREO unveils the refreshing, thought-provoking story of Eliseo Parada and his wife, transhumant goatherds of western Argentina. These true Andean gauchos must face both the challenge of seeing their pastoralist livelihood threatened by 'progress,' and the uncertainty of not knowing for how much longer their own sons will keep the generations-old family tradition.

sa, 08.06. / 20.00 hrs

Director and screenplay: Florian Kofler, Julia Gutweniger
81 minutes / AUT/IT, 2023,


Summer after summer, millions of tourists are drawn to the seemingly endless sandy beaches between Lignano, Jesolo and Riccione. Row upon row of colourful parasols dot the landscape and the "largest bathtub in Europe" lives up to its name amidst the hustle and bustle of the tourist crowds. But behind all the summery "dolce far niente" lies a gigantic system of mass tourism that makes the industrialized handling of the vacation masses possible in the first place. VISTA MARE takes a look behind the scenes of this operating system, seeks to get close to the people who keep it running and tells of the realities of their work between plastic palm trees and pedal boats. In the shadow of the supposed vacation idyll, the film makes visible those who work so that others can enjoy their vacation to the fullest without a care in the world. Between nostalgically glorified summer dreams and precarious seasonal contracts, VISTA MARE searches for the fault lines in the beach cosmos, shows the contradictions and abysses in the Adriatic system in cinematically precise images and poses the exemplary fundamental question of the conditions inside the tourist sphere.

so, 09.06. / 20.00 o'clock

Yogurt with wax
2013, 3 minutes


Completed in 2020, 29 minutes


Real-Time, In-Situ Observation of Laser-Induced Damage in a CMOS Sensor
2016, 4'43"


Notorious Deeds
2015, 68 minutes

thu, 13.06. / 8 p.m.

with Gabriel Tempea

Director: Christian Wagner

100 minutes / AUT, 2014

An idyllic side valley in the Allgäu. A railroad line is to be shut down here - and with it the old linesman Waller, whose life is closely intertwined with the history of this railroad line. Waller sets off on a final inspection tour. His walk along the tracks becomes a walk through time: His childhood in the 1920s, his first professional experience as a linesman, saying goodbye to his best friend, who became a soldier in 1941 and never returned.

fr, 14.06. / 20.00 hrs

with director Christian Wagner and actor Rainer Egger

Director and cinematographer: Nikolaus Geyrhalter

137 minutes / AUT, 2023

Empty rooms, rescue attempts, explanations, learning processes - and, above all, people working tirelessly to ensure basic supplies for everyone. STILLSTAND documents the crisis over the course of two years using the example of Vienna, a city with over a million inhabitants: in spring 2020, Covid-19, a global pandemic of unprecedented severity, hits humanity with all its supposed certainties and seemingly perfect routines.

wed, 19.06. / 20.00 hrs