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new media & experimental art days

artists* 2023

You can find the current artists here.

sattva giacosa

visual artist / photographer

martin plattner & siljarosa schletterer

dramatist, writer & author, poet

event // reading: nature // violence

18.06. 17:00 fire department ground

uhl collective - felix knoche, tim knoche & lan sticker

audiovisual artists



event // concert

09.06. 20:30 fire department ground


male non-binary fearleading sqaud

event // opening / irrlicht boden

26.05. 18.00 ground

vera mantiuk

photographer, performative artist

es collective - esther stern & elisa schober

performance artist & spatial artist

rainer egger


event // reading: the hare!!!! by ernst herbeck

11.06. 16:00 ground elementary school

kollegium kalksburg


event // concert

26.05. 20:30 bschlabs village square

bernadette laimbauer

performance artist

event // performance:permesso orplease don't lie with towel

14.06. 16:00 location tba

federica mambrini & rodrigo diaz

visual artist/photographer & architect

church choir elmen

event // song evening: sing ma a tiroler liad. singing together with the church choir elmen
31.05. 19:30 bschlabs

robert prosser


event // reading: disappearance in avalanches

27.05. 16:00 hahntennjoch passhöhe

huggy bears

performance artists

gudrun schmiedinger

jannis neumann

ariadne randall

nina sandino




event // jazz concert: melting

15.06. 20:00 church bschlabs

flora besenbäck & junda dietze

scenographer & photographer

municipal theater kufstein

youth theater

event // performance: irrlichter

28.05. 16:00 fire department ground

traffic circle collective - lea gander & matthias sanoll

media artists

franziska helmreich


event // exhibition/installation: hinter-bamer "franzis choice

18.06. 15:00 floor

janine jop

musician and sound artist

georg eckmayr


event // interactive exhibition: untitled me. AI forgery room

01.06.-04.06. 19:30 widum

peter brandlmayr

artists & scientists

event // opening / irrlicht boden: introduction to hantological pataphysical epistemology. a spÜnst goes around in the bschlabertal valley

09.06. 18:00 floor

institute for adventure - arndt schwering-sohnrey, liza reichardt & carlotta bähre

interactive artistic research

lucas lauermann


event // concert

02.06. 20:30 church bschlabs

katharina aae & abdelrahman dnewar

film/media artists

oskar aichinger

pianist, composer

event // opening / irrlicht boden

09.06. 18.00 ground

louis frehring

visual and media artist

matthias krinzinger

visual artist

event // performance: heavy metal / light metal

03.06. 20:00 cinema

marlene posch, luīze nežberte & sebastian köck

visual artists

albi dornauer

dj & collector

event // concert & lecture: pmk alpenkonzert. sound-lecture through 50 years of tyrolean music history with albi dornauer from the innsbruck subculture archive

17.06. 20:00 floor equipment shed

harry triendl

multimedia performance artist

event // performance: lightscapes

04.06. 19:30 cinema


event // livestream: harry's lifetalk'n'chat from the cinema

05.06. 19:30 cinema


film festival

event // cinema: AFTER BLUE (Dirty Paradise)

16.06. 20:00 cinema

güni noggler


event // performance, reading: word donation

08.06. 16:00 bschlabs village square

martin plattner & katarina csanyiova

dramatist, writer & performative artist

event // reading: um:hausen

17.06. 16:00 church bschlabs